Camden Cyclists

Camden Cyclists (aka Camden Cycling Campaign) is the local branch of the London Cycling Campaign. Our website is:

All of the Consultations that we respond to are first posted on Cyclescape (for info on how to post a new consultation, see We encourage members and others to offer comments and suggestions for inclusion in our response.

After registering on Cyclescape you can post messages on all our public discussions and you can initiate discussions yourself (New Issues or Threads on existing Issues). We strongly deprecate the use of pseudonyms unless they are backed up by a full name shown in your Cyclescape personal profile.

If you are a member of Camden Cyclists or cycle regularly in Camden we encourage you to join the Camden Cyclists Group on Cyclescape. This will give you access to any private threads restricted to group members (we don't currently use private threads).

About Camden Cyclists

We campaign for much better Space for Cycling in London.

Monthly meetings, workshops and training
We meet on the third Monday of each month at 7.30 pm either at Primrose Hill Community Centre (usually) or at Sidings Community Centre , West Hampstead (occasionally). Our AGM is in May and annual party in December.

Interaction with LB Camden, TfL and Royal Parks
We have four meetings a year with a group of Camden Officers to discuss how cycling issues can be incorporated into local area schemes currently being planned and how well they are addressed in built schemes. Paul Braithwaite (Councillor 2006-10 and 10-14, Camden’s Cycling Champion) was a useful participant in these meetings. His role has now been taken up by our new Cycling Champion Councillor Julian Fullbrook. Many ad-hoc meetings are arranged to discuss projects in detail (e.g. West End Project, Royal College Street extensions, St Marks Square). We also have occasional meetings with TfL officers (e.g. on Swiss Cottage gyratory and Camden Road). We participate in the Royal Parks Cycling Development Group.

Bike Week
We hold two regular events in Bike Week, a national event which usually takes place in June. On the Wednesday morning from 8-10 a.m. we provide a Free Cyclists’ Breakfast in Ossulston Street, run jointly with Camden Council (the 2017 event was the 20th in succession). The Ride all Round Camden is enjoyed by people of all cycling abilities. It is led and marshalled by Camden Cyclists and Camden Cycle Trainers and accompanied by police officers. The route starts from the Town Hall, follows the border of the borough clockwise with a picnic in Golders Hill Park.

Social Rides
During the spring and summer we organise a ride at least once each month. These usually include the popular Lee Valley Ride and a train-assisted ride in Herts, Kent or Essex as well as the newer Brent Parks Ride and the Ice Cream Potter. We also lead feeder rides from Swiss Cottage and West Hampstead to the summer Ride London Circuit.

Campaigning Rides
We have led feeder rides to campaigning rides organised by LCC such as the Space for Cycling rides in 2013 and 2014.

  • Cleveland Street Cycleway

    Created by linus // 1 thread

    This is a joint Camden and Westminster consultation of the design of a short route of part of the longer Fitzrovia to Pimlico cycle route. 

    Westminster Council is leading on this project. Consultation closes 3 March. There will also be a drop-in community event about the plans from 3pm to 7.30pm on Tuesday 7 February 2023 at Fitzrovia Community Centre, 2 Foley Street, London W1W 6DL.

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  • Queen's Crescent Area Scheme Public Consultation

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Following consultation in January 2021, Camden put in a trial scheme using ETOs in May 2021.

    The main features of the trial scheme were:

    • a pedestrianised section in Queen’s Crescent between Basset Street and Weedington Road (south) 
        plus closures at QC on the side roads Allcroft Road and Weedington Road (north)
    • a road closure on Grafton Road outside Carlton School (just north of its intersection with Queen’s Crescent).

    Camden is now proposing to make the scheme permanent but with the following changes:

    • shorten the pedestrianised section of Queen’s Crescent to  between Allcroft Road and Weedington Road (south)
    • move the Grafton Road closure further north (just north of Crestsield Close)

    These changes still ensure no rat-running on Grafton Road and on Queen’s Crescent, which is very important for cycling since C6 runs along Grafton Road and Queen’s Crescent provides a useful route to it from the western end of Prince of Wales Road (although cycling though isn’t convenient on market days).

    Camden’s stated motivations for the changes in QC are 

    • more parking and loading opportunities, in response to issues raised by businesses.
    • to improve access for motor vehicles

    Other proposed additions:

    • wider footways and continuous footways across several side road junctions
    • new sinusoidal ramp on Grafton Road by the bend near Vicars Road.
    • new seating, trees and bikehangars

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  • Oakley Square (north) - Safe and Healthy Streets Consultation

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden proposes to make permanent the trial changes at Oakley Square (north) at the junction with Crowndale Road put in under an ETO in December 2020. (No Entry for motor vehicles from Crowndale Road into Oakley Square – north).

    Camden also proposes for the Crowndale Road junction:

    - The planters and droppable bollard to be replaced with a new ‘continuous footway’ with a widening of the pavement along Crowndale Road

    - The cycle entry gap is to be re-aligned to accommodate the pavement

    - A new tree and bench are to be installed alongside the continuous footway

    A new bike hangar is to replace a residents’ parking bay outside 50 Oakley Square (north).

    Camden also proposes for the junction with Eversholt Street.

    • Narrow the junction with a continuous footway to reduce the crossing distance and give pedestrians clear priority at this location
    • Widen the pavement on Oakley Square at the approach to the junction to provide a continuous link between pavement and footway
    • Remove guardrails along the motorcycle parking bay outside number 70
    • Plant a new tree near where the new pavement meets the Oakley Square (north) pavement

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  • St Pancras Way Cycle Track

    Created by John Chamberlain // 1 thread

    In September 2020, Camden Council put in a segregated southbound cycle track on St Pancras Way under Covid-19 Safe Travel regulations. It was done under an Experimental Traffic Order and they are now consulting on making it permanent or removing it. Details in the attached thread.

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  • Arlington Road Area Low Traffic Neighbourhood

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    A set of temporary measures was implemented in September 2020 with a view to reducing through traffic in Arlington Road and the surrounding streets. Further measures were added later to make the scheme more effective.

    Camden reports the following changes in the local area:

    - a 15% increase in cycle volumes

    - 43% decrease in motor traffic

    - 15% decrease in traffic-related collisions

    Camden is consulting on making all of these measures permanent with the following enhancements:

    Jamestown Road: restriction on eastbound motor vehicles. Replace the planter with a traffic island

    Inverness Street: no access for motor vehicles to Arlington Road. Replace the planters with traffic islands and widen the footway outside Cavendish School. NOTE: At our meeting on Monday’ 15th Nov, it was suggested we should ask for a School Street for Cavendish School.

    Buck Street: no way in and out for motor vehicles from Kentish Town Road

    Arlington Road (south of junction of Delancey Street):  restriction on northbound motor vehicles. Add a traffic island and greening, raise carriageway. 

    Mornington Street: no way in and out for motor vehicles  at the junction with Albert Street

    Albert Street: no way in and out for motor vehicles at the junction with Mornington Place.  Replace planters with removable bollards

    Mornington Place: no way in and out for motor vehicles at the junction with Clarkson Row/Mornington Terrace. Replace planters with removable bollards. New tree and planting on Mornington Street. New Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) on Clarkson Row

    New junction designs and other changes

    Delancey Street @ Albert Street - remove the right turn lane (from Albert Street) and build out the footway. NOTE: the original Delancey-Pratt scheme indicated the entry to a new contraflow cycle here. We should aim to keep that.

    Delancey Street @Arlington Road  Raise the junction.

    Parkway Cycle Hire Station: move to the southern corner of Albert Street.

    Parkway junction with Arlington Road: lengthen the feeder lane on Parkway. NOTE (as suggested at our meeting on 15th) this cycle lane should extend over the space occupied by the cycle hire station.

    Parkway junction with Albert Street: double yellow lines

    Parkway junction with Arlington Road: widen eastern footway to north of junction and remove two parking spaces.

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  • Southampton Row and Theobalds Road Safe and Healthy Streets

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Following a fatality at this junction in August Camden Council installed a number of temporary changes to the junction in October.

    This consultation concerns some more radical permanent changes

    The proposals include:

    • A cycle gate on the Southampton Row (N) approach
    • A new segregated cycle track northbound and southbound on Southampton Row
    • ASL boxes with early release on the Vernon Place and Southampton Row (S) arms
    • Early release for cycles and buses on Theobalds Road
    • Full-time bus lanes on Southampton Row (S) and on Theobalds Road
    • Widened pedestrian crossing on Vernon Place with cyclists to be allowed to turn left from Southampton Row into Vernon Place
    • Removing the pedestrian guardrail around the junction to reduce potential harm to cyclists
    • New ‘buff’ coloured surfacing at crossing points

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  • Highgate Road Safe and Healthy Streets

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden is consulting on making permanent the trial scheme put in during summer 2020:

    • Extension of hours of operation to 24/7 – “at all times” for the following bus lanes on Highgate Road:
      • the southbound bus lane CMO15 which runs from St Albans Road to Dartmouth Park Road,
      • the northbound bus lane CMO16 which runs from Carrol Close (97 Highgate Road) to Wesleyan Place,
      • and the southbound bus lane CMO17 which runs from Burghley Road to Fortess Road .
    • Waiting and loading restrictions extended to ‘at any time’ in all bus lanes.
    • Addition of two loading bays outside 109-111 Highgate Road in CMO16 and outside 12 Highgate Road in CMO17 with hours of operation of 7pm-7am for loading for commercial properties.

    They also propose the following new measures

    • the extension of the existing southbound bus lane “CMO15” to the north, up to the roundabout with Swains Lane
    • the removal of paid-for/permit parking bays along Highgate Road to remove existing pinch points and facilitate the extension of the bus lane (10 outside the tennis courts and 18 opposite Grove Terrace).
    • the introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting and loading restrictions at the junction of Highgate Road and Carrol Close, to improve road user and pedestrian safety

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  • Millfield Lane Safe and Healthy Streets

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    In June 2020, a No Entry (with cycle exception) was placed on Millfield Lane just south of the junction of Merton Lane, making the southern section one way northbound for motor vehicles. In addition, several parking spaces were removed at the bend to provide more space for walking.  This was done with an experimental traffic order and Camden is now consulting on making the changes permanent and building a proper footway at the widened section.


    Camden also proposes:

    • to convert 11 extra parking bays on Millfield Lane to double yellow lines and double kerb blips to improve visibility, reduce conflict between drivers and cyclists and to minimise vehicle movements which are hazardous to pedestrians.
    • and to remove parking on Merton Lane close to the junction with West Hill
    • and to remove parking at the junction of Merton Lane and Millfield Lane and widen the footway

    They also ask whether we would like to have Merton Lane one-way for motor vehicles (eastbound only)

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  • Proposed Pedestrian and Cycle Improvements on Abbey Road Junction With Belsize R

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden is consulting on some proposed improvements for walking and cycling through the junction of  Abbey Road and Belsize Road

    •  New diagonal pedestrian crossing points .
    • Advanced stop lines (ASL) for cyclists to be increased to 5m -
    • Existing refuge islands to be removed from the junction .
    • All guard railing around the junction to be removed. Bus cage on Abbey Road to be shortened and relocated 4m closer to the junction.
    • Footways to be widening around the junction .
    • 5 Seconds early release for cyclists on both Abbey Road approaches to the junction.

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  • Chalk Farm Road Walking, Cycling and Road Safety Improvements

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council installed Pop-up cycle lanes on Chalk Farm Road and the lower end of Haverstock Hill last summer. They are now consulting on proposals to make these and associated changes permanent.

    The proposals include:

    • Replacing the temporary ‘kerb and wand’ segregation with a new raised stepped cycle track
    • Improved junction layout at Haverstock Hill/ Chalk Farm Road/ Adelaide Road/ Regents Park Road/ Crogsland Road, including a new signalised pedestrian crossing across the middle and a cycle gate for norttbound cycles and bypass for southbound cycles.
    • Retaining the improvements at the Ferdinand Street- Juniper Way junction
    • Retaining the four bus stop bypasses and replacing the ride round bus stop outside Haverstock School with a new bus stop bypass east of Crogsland Road and adding a new bus stop bypass between the junctions of Harmood Street and Hartland Road. Putting the bus shelters on the island.
    • Taxi parking facility outside Camden Market to be relocated to east of Crogsland Road and to be shared with a new timed loading bay
    • New blended junctions at Belmont Street, Harmood Street and Hartland Road
    • Blue surfacing across junctions and side roads to provide an increased awareness of cyclists.
    • Installing new double yellow lines with double blip markings (no parking/waiting at any time) along the scheme route to prevent vehicles from parking and loading on the cycle lane.

    Drop In Sessions

    23 September 2021 (Thursday) from 16:00 to 19:00

    30 September 2021 (Thursday) from 16:00 to 19:00

    Location: Castlehaven Community Centre, 23 Castlehaven Rd, London NW1 8RU

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