LSTF Proposal Easton Way, Bristol

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Added by David Wilcox

Provide a continuous, uninterrupted route with pedestrian and cyclist priority over side junctions, adjacent to Easton Way on both the East and West side. Utilise existing roads, footpaths and the verge, including the bunds.
Investigate options to improve legibility at the Lawrence Hill Roundabout and provide links to West Street/Old Market.

Easton Way is a barrier for both pedestrians and cyclists. These proposals would seek to reverse some of the community severance that results from a road of this nature. The route will provide for variety of journeys such as; Stapleton Road to the new Library development at junction 3; and from Lawrence Hill to Old Market and the City Centre. It will also link existing routes such as the Concorde Way, Frome Greenway and BBRP to the Spine Road, providing a good North/South route.

Research has identified three key perceptions that deter people from taking up cycling: lack of personal safety; inconvenience; poor image. Experience from countries in northern Europe shows conclusively that in order for cycling to become a mass activity attracting all ages and abilities these perceptions have to be tackled and potential cyclists must believe they will feel safe, valued and normal. Facilities are needed that form a coherent network, separate cyclists from fast, high volume traffic and offer them a high degree of priority and convenience both on main routes and local roads. The purpose of Bristol's 'Design Cycling' work programme is to create a network and that is convenient, safe and provides speedy access all over the city. A network which a 12 year old would feel comfortable using.

Part of the 2013 Bristol City Council LSTF proposals.


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