York Way: Road safety changes
Camden Council has recently installed Pop-up cycle lanes on York Way. They are now consulting on proposals for three of the signalised junctions.
Agar Grove / Brewery Road junction
- Modernisation of the signals to enable a 4 second early release for cyclists on the northern and southern arm
- Addition of pedestrian countdown* on all arms
- Addition of an Advanced Stop Line (ASL) for cyclists on Brewery Road
Freight Lane junction
- Modernisation of the signals to enable a 4 second early release for cyclists on the northern and southern arm
- New pedestrian phases added to the southern and western arm (currently there are no dedicated pedestrian phases at this intersection)
- Addition of pedestrian countdown on all arms
- New or extended ASLs on all arms
- Protected junction ‘bypass’ for southbound cyclicts
- New advisory lane marked through the intersection for northbound cyclists, with coloured tarmac
Handyside Street / Copenhagen Street junction
- Modernisation of the signals to enable a 4 second early release for cyclists on the northern and southern arm
- Addition of pedestrian countdown on all arms
- Lengthening of ASLs on the northern and southern arm
- Advisory lanes marked through the intersection for north and southbound cyclists, with coloured tarmac