North Peckham Healthy Streets

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Added by Raiph

We would like to hear what you think about proposals to improve cycling and reduce parking pressures within the North Peckham area - that's roughly the area between Burgess Park to the north and Peckham Road to the south - see map below.

Controlled Parking Zone

In recent years many residents have told us that parking can be difficult in this area. With the introduction of a parking zone, parking stress is likely to be greatly decreased in the area allowing for safer walking and cycling and prioritising space for residents.

Please let us know if you would like to see parking restrictions on your street, this would help to free up more spaces for residents to park.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about parking restrictions, please refer to our information section at the bottom of this page.

Cycling Improvements

In addition, we would like to make changes to some key junctions in the area to create a safer cycle route through North Peckham, this would form part of the Southwark Spine ( This would link existing sections of cycle route at Wells Way (Quietway 8) and Lyndhurst Way (the Southwark Spine) - these cycle routes are intended especially to enable younger or less confident cyclists to cycle more safely.

Overall, the Southwark Spine is a north to south cycle route through the whole borough. A map can be found in the related documents at the bottom of this page.

The principal changes we are proposing include:-

An improved crossing for cyclists and pedestrians at the junction of Wells Way and St George's Way - This will include additional phase for cyclists and widened pavements. (Section A)
Closing St George's Way to through motor traffic, with a barrier east of Chandler Way - This would be an experimental change, which would be open for public comments for 18 months before a decision is made whether to make it a permenant change. It is intended to reduce through traffic along St George's Way. Access will be maintained to Chandler Way from the west and Cator Street from the east. (Section B)
Installation of a two-way cycle track on part of Commercial Way - This will facilitate the crossing of cyclists from Chandler Way to Moody Road. (Section C)
Changes to the crossing at Moody Road - this will help cyclists and pedestrians cross Commercial Way (Section C)
Footway widening at the junction of Kelly Avenue and Peckham Road - this will create more space for pedestrians and cyclists (Section D)


January 11th, 2019 23:45


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