Things tagged 'cycletrack'

limited to the area of Camden Cyclists:

2 issues found for 'cycletrack':

  • Cycle track obstruction Byng Place

    Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread

    We have recently received several reports about obstructions on the eastbound cycle track on Tavistock Place by food stalls. I'd like to collect some images and see how persistent the problem is before reporting to the Council.

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  • Royal College Street Northern Extension

    Created by John Chamberlain // 3 threads

    Camden are consulting residents, cyclists and others on their plans to extend the Royal College Street cycle facilities to the north, across Camden Road and up to Kentish Town Road. If it is approved, we think this will be a great improvement as it will provide protected two-way cycling all the way. Later there are plans to extend it south to Kings Cross.

    We hope you will respond to Camden in support as there may be objections from residents, especially as it results in some loss/relocation of parking.

    Details of the proposals can be found on Camden’s website at:

    For cyclists, the main proposals are as follows:
    - Two way cycling all the way up and down Royal College Street with no need to use St Pancras Way or Camden Street.
    - Protected northbound and southbound cycle lanes with no loading or parking within the cycle lanes.
    - A separate green phase for N-S and S-N bound cyclists at Camden Road.

    The difficult areas are the Camden Road crossing, which we think Camden have handled in an effective and innovative way, and the southbound split at College Gardens, where motor traffic has to bear left but cyclists go straight. This is not easy to handle without the danger of left hooks, but we think that the suggested solution, which involves road narrowing and a raised junction to slow motor vehicles, is the best option.

    Please feed your comments to us via the threads on this issue, or by email to

    Our response needs to be in by 3rd October so we'll take comments on board until the 28th.

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5 threads found for 'cycletrack':

One library item found for 'cycletrack':

No planning applications found for 'cycletrack'.

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