Queen's Crescent Area Scheme Public Consultation
Following consultation in January 2021, Camden put in a trial scheme using ETOs in May 2021.
The main features of the trial scheme were:
- a pedestrianised section in Queen’s Crescent between Basset Street and Weedington Road (south)
plus closures at QC on the side roads Allcroft Road and Weedington Road (north) - a road closure on Grafton Road outside Carlton School (just north of its intersection with Queen’s Crescent).
Camden is now proposing to make the scheme permanent but with the following changes:
- shorten the pedestrianised section of Queen’s Crescent to between Allcroft Road and Weedington Road (south)
- move the Grafton Road closure further north (just north of Crestsield Close)
These changes still ensure no rat-running on Grafton Road and on Queen’s Crescent, which is very important for cycling since C6 runs along Grafton Road and Queen’s Crescent provides a useful route to it from the western end of Prince of Wales Road (although cycling though isn’t convenient on market days).
Camden’s stated motivations for the changes in QC are
- more parking and loading opportunities, in response to issues raised by businesses.
- to improve access for motor vehicles
Other proposed additions:
- wider footways and continuous footways across several side road junctions
- new sinusoidal ramp on Grafton Road by the bend near Vicars Road.
- new seating, trees and bikehangars