Things tagged 'camden'

limited to the area of Camden Cyclists:

117 issues found for 'camden':

  • King Cross Gyratory Redesign

    Created by User 609 (deleted) // 1 thread

    Issue now superseded by this issue discussing TfL's consultation:

    TfL, Camden Council, and Islington Council are currently developing plans to redesign the Kings Cross Gyratory and address some of the failures of the current gyratory layout.

    The current environment is very poor, and a real barrier to cycling. Fast, and congested one way traffic with 10-20,000 PCUs per day, and no cycle provision currently. Accessing the station from the east is almost impossible.

    The area has seen a number of cycle collisions including at least one fatality.

    To pre-empt the consultation due late 2015, we wanted to discuss what would be the best outcome for people on bikes.

    More information will be added when we know more, but for now, ideas please.

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  • Camden 'Quick Wins' - Phase 2

    Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread

    You probably remember that we began a new 'Quick Wins' campaign in November 2013.

    I asked members for their suggestions for (very) minor improvements throughout the borough that will make cyclists feel better catered for. These are examples of the type of changes that Camden felt could be implemented without consultation of local residents/businesses:

    ⁃ dropped kerbs
    ⁃ obstructive barriers (i.e. anti-motor cycle barriers)
    ⁃ stretches of poor road surface
    ⁃ Feeders into ASLs that are too short or non-mandatory

    The response from members was very good and we were able to assemble a list of suggestions and submit it to Camden in November 2013. Camden responded by assigning an officer to work on the entire list and he has worked hard to progress them.

    The web page linked above includes a table showing the list of 17 suggestions that were submitted to Camden, updated to show the five suggestions that we know for sure to have been completed (those table entries are in italic with completion date and a photo). There may be one or two other items in the list that have been completed - I haven't been to check all of them recently ;-) I would be very grateful to anyone who can give me up-to-date information on the status of the other items.

    Several other minor changes that we have suggested, outside the 'Quick Wins' list have also been completed this year.

    As far as I know Camden still intend to progress most of the remaining items. It is worth noting that some of these relatively minor changes received significant 'push-back' from locals, making the process slower and more expensive than it might have been.

    We and Camden are still very positive about this campaign. Camden are now asking us for a set of 'Phase 2' suggestions. The criteria for this are likely to include the types of changes suggested in the first phase but also include some new ones.

    We are still clarifying with Camden the new categories that can be classified as 'quick wins' (i.e. can be implemented without consultation). They may include:

    ⁃ widening cycle lanes or converting them to mandatory (i.e. replacing a dashed with a solid white line). In some cases this might be a first step towards installing lightweight segregation.
    ⁃ widening existing cycle lanes where there is limited traffic impact.
    ⁃ widening bus lanes to 4.5m to allow safer overtaking of buses by cycles and vice-versa.
    ⁃ adding cycle lanes that link up sections of bus lane.
    ⁃ trial lane closures to provide better space for cycling.
    ⁃ more 2-way cycling on side roads.

    I would be grateful for your feedback, commenting on the categories of changes or preliminary suggestions for actual changes.

    I plan to construct a new list for submission to Camden in October, but I would be grateful for concrete suggestions by mid-September.

    It helps if you can provide a link to the relevant location on Google maps. A photo is even more helpful.

    George C.

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  • Changes to the King's Cross gyratory

    Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread

    TfL are consulting on a major scheme aimed at improving the roads in the Kings Cross area. The consultation proposes the conversion of several key roads from one-way to two-way working (York Way, Pentonville Road, Gray's Inn Road and Caledonian Road). New cycle facilities proposed include cycle contraflow lanes on Wharfedale Road, King's Cross Road, Penton Rise and Acton Street. New signalised crossings for cycles are suggested at Lorenzo Street and Pentonville Road and Penton Rise and Pentonville Road.

    There is no discussion of the engineering details. Those are promised for early 2017 following the results of this consultation.

    An important issue for cycle campaigners will be the feasibility of achieving protected space on the main alignments through the area.

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  • Cycle Superhighway 11 in Westminster and Camden

    Created by Colin Wing // 7 threads

    This is part of a proposed cycle superhighway from the Finchley Road into Central London.
    It will become more attractive after the modification of the Swiss Cottage gyratory system in Camden.
    See the discussion threads for details on the sections in Westminster, Camden and Swiss Cottage

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  • Arlington Road

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    We have been asked to tell Camden Council what changes might be helpful to make Arlington Road more comfortable to cycle on.

    The intention is to deliver it as part of the Cycle Grid by the end of April 2017. 

    We have asked for more details on traffic flows but an initial look seems to show that vehicle movements are significantly below 2000 per day on Arlington Road itself.

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  • Gospel Oak area consultation

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    This issue so is for collecting ideas on the area bounded by Mansfield Road, Grafton Road, Queens Crescent and Malden Road.

    Camden says: we are interested to know what residents, businesses, community groups, service users and all other stakeholders in the Gospel Oak area think about the ideas and what ideas you might have.

    Some of Camden's priorities:

    - Improve public spaces
    - Getting about
    - Queen’s Crescent

    Dates: consultation 19th November 2015
    Officer: George McKenzie (Community Liaison Officer)
    . CC member dealing with it Angela Hobsbaum.

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  • Pedestrian Crossing, BusConsultation: Reliability and Pavement Improvements on Gray’s Inn Road

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    The preamble describes a "Vision" for Grays Inn Road as part of a larger scheme for the Farringdon Area:

    - improved streets for walking & cycling
    - clearer and easier access to move through the area on foot, cycle or public transport
    - safe, attractive and less cluttered streets
    - a better place to live, work and do business.

    The current set of proposals are related to bus reliability and pedestrian safety. They include the following:

    - Raised zebra crossings at five sites with a standard layout that involves build outs to leave a 9m wide crossing. (some of these replace informal crossings with islands, some are new).

    - Long stretches of double yellow lines with loading restrictions (see Appendix 1 of the consultation).

    - footway widening on the east side between Ampton Street and Calthorpe Street

    - Carriageway cycle parking in Wren Street and several other side streets

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  • Consultation on Delancey–Pratt , August 2015

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread


    This consultation proposes the construction of an important two-way east-west cycle route across Camden Town.

    It will run from St Pancras Way along Pratt Street, across Royal College Street to Camden High Street, where a two-way cycle crossing will be provided.

    It will then run two-way along Delancey Street as far as Mornington Terrace.

    A later consultation on the continuation of this route to Regents Park is promised.

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  • West End Project consultation

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 6 threads

    This scheme proposes to restore two way working in Tottenham Court Road (TCR) and in the Gower Street alignment which includes Bloomsbury Street and Shaftesbury Avenue. All the bus routes will be on TCR.

    The consultation is on Camden's website at:

    In TCR, Camden proposes a "bus and cycle street" from 8 am to 7pm (Monday to Saturday) with local access for cars, taxis and loading on short sections of Tottenham Court Road via side roads.

    TCR will have a pair of 4.5m wide carriageways to be shared by cycles and buses (90 buses per hour in each direction) and by the additional local traffic.

    In the Gower Street alignment, Camden proposes two-way access for private motor vehicles (no buses) and that these roads will have a pair of 4.5m wide carriageways, each including a lightly segregated 1.5m wide cycle track.

    Other measures proposed:
    - in both TCR and the Gower Street alignment Camden proposes raised sections of road to reduce motor speeds
    - two-way cycling in all the side streets (except for Maple Street, University Street and Howland Street)
    - new public spaces including a new park on Alfred Place and a ladder of calm side streets.

    These changes to roads and to cycle permeability are shown in the diagram at:

    Details of the road layout for TCR are at:

    Details of the road layout for the Gower Street alignment are at:

    Exhibitions are to be held at the Building Centre, Store Street on 19th June (10 am to 5pm) and 7th July (5pm to 8pm),

    Camden Cyclists are holding a public meeting for cyclists to discuss this project.
    On 30th June 7pm - 9pm
    at the YMCA Indian Student Hostel, 41 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6AQ.

    We will finalise our response to the consultation early in July.

    The public consultation will run until Friday 18 July 2014.

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  • TfL Consultation on Finchley Road - Boundary Road

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    TfL proposes some changes related to the QuietWay "Gladstone Park to Regents Park, see map

    Their proposals

    Finchley Road

    1. Ban the left turn for all northbound traffic (motor vehicles and cycles) from Finchley Road into Boundary Road. (Note "And Cycles"!)

    2. Extend the northbound bus lane on Finchley Road

    3. Changes to traffic islands to provide extra space and protection for cyclists travelling east-west along Boundary Road and crossing Finchley Road, as well as providing an improved waiting area for southbound cyclists turning right into Boundary Road from Finchley Road

    4. A new 5-metre part-width Advanced Stop Line (ASL) with early release (a few seconds) on Finchley Road for cyclists travelling southbound.

    5. Widen the existing pedestrian crossing to 3.2 metres on the southern arm of the Finchley Road junction

    6. Enlarge the footway on the south-west corner of the junction,

    Boundary Road

    7. A new 3.2 metre wide signal controlled pedestrian crossing on the western arm of Boundary Road

    8. Relocate and resize traffic islands to improve cyclists’ comfort

    9. Widen the existing pedestrian crossing to 3.2 metres on the eastern arm of Boundary Road

    10. Widen the central cycle feeder lane on the western arm of Boundary Road

    11. Replace speed cushions with a ‘sinusoidal’ speed hump across the full width of the carriageway on the west arm of Boundary Road

    12. New cyclist detection system on Boundary Road, meaning cyclists no longer have to use a push button to activate the traffic signals to cross or access Finchley Road

    See the consultation at:

    Reply by 27th September 2015.

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  • TfL consultation on junction Farringdon Road/Calthorpe Street/Margery Street

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 2 threads

    N-S Cycle Superhighway consultation

    TfL proposed that the N-S Cycle Superhighway should stop at Greville Street but LCC's response to the consultation stated that the route should continue on Farringdon Road to at least the junction with Calthorpe and Margery Street (under discussion here).

    After the consultation TfL replied that they would explore options north of Stonecutter Street(which is actually south of Greville Street!). The N-S Cycle Superhighway may be completed by Spring 2016 but we have no date for it being extended any further north.

    Link to our discussion on CycleScape


    Junction Kings Cross Road/Farringdon Road/Calthorpe Street/Margery Street

    See consultation on TfL's website at:

    which has a link to their junction plan

    Plan to build September 2015


    TfL's proposals include the following:

    On Farringdon Road - Grays Inn Road

    - right turn pocket for northbound cyclists turning into Margery Street

    -1.5 m advisory cycle lane on Kings Cross Road for cyclists travelling southbound with one instead of two motor lanes and on northbound carriageway north of the junction

    - footway build outs

    Calthorpe Street

    - longer ASL and low-level early release signals

    - footway build out

    Margery Street
    - widen contraflow
    - longer ASL box and low-level early release signals

    Immediate issues:

    - no space for cycling on Farringdon Road south of the junction

    - northbound approach on Farringdon Road left hook issue

    - no attempt to provide protection for cyclists crossing the junction; Farringdon Road is wide enough to put in the infrastructure needed for a separate signal stage for northbound cyclists or for "hold the left turn".

    - the early release signals are only as effective as a longer ASl box, not protecting cycles that arrive during the green stage.

    Dates: consultation 20 February 2015; reply due 6 April 2015.

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  • The TfL North-South cycle superhighway consultation

    Created by George Coulouris // 4 threads

    Full details of the consultation are at:
    closing date for comments is 19 October 2014.

    Camden Cyclists we propose to send a response to this consultation on behalf of our members. This will focus only on the part within Camden (the section between Charterhouse Street and Euston Road - as detailed on the map attached). But note that the alignment of the route north of Greville Street is not agreed between Camden and TfL and is not formally considered a part of the consultation.

    So it makes sense to have two discussion threads for the sections in Camden south and north of Greville Street.

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  • Bartholomew Road Area Proposals consultation

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    In this consultation, Camden proposes some turn restrictions with a view to eliminating rat running through the residential streets in an area north bounded by Leighton Road, Torriano Avenue, Camden Road, Rochester Road and Kentish Town Road.

    The consultation leaflet includes a map showing the main rat runs identified from traffic surveys in 2013 (see image). These included the following:

    A: southbound along Bartholomew Road and out via Patshull Road or Sandall Road (AM peak).

    B: northbound on Bartholomew Road and out at Sandall Road or Leighton Road (PM peak).

    The proposals include the following:

    Junction of Leighton Road and Bartholomew Road
    - "No Right Turn (Except Cyclists) " from Leighton Road into Bartholomew Road

    - "No Left Turn (Except Cyclists)" from Bartholomew Road into Leighton Road

    The AM counts show 316 motors SB between 8 and 9 am (with 152 NB). This is far above LCC's criterion of less than 200 per hour for safe and comfortable sharing of the road by cycles and motors. In the AM peak, 241 motors turned right from Leighton Road into Bartholomew Road - so the "No Right Turn" from Leighton Road into Bartholomew Road is potentially very effective in reducing rat runs.

    The PM peak figures show 159 motors making the left turn from Bartholomew Road into Leighton Road.

    Junction of Sandall Road and Camden Road

    - "No right turn (Except Cyclists" from Camden Road into Sandall Road.

    - " No right turn (Except Cyclists)" from Sandall Road into Camden Road.

    - Extend the central traffic island on Camden Road at the junction with Sandall Road to stop the above manoeuvres. There will be a gap in the island to allow cyclists to make these turns.

    The Sandall Road changes will make the junction with Camden Road a lot safer for pedestrians and people who cycle and will also reduce rat running on lines B1 and C.

    Kentish Town Road/ Patshull Road

    - Convert to two way traffic on Patshull Road between Kentish Town Road and Bartholomew Villas. Widen the carriageway at Patshull Road junction with Kentish Town Road to accommodate two way.

    - Relocate the ‘No Entry’ signs at Patshull Road/ Kentish Town Road junction to Patshull Road at the junction with Bartholomew Villas.

    The change is to enable traders e.g. Earth to use a storage place accessible via a little access road running behind the shop. That's why the proposal is to move the No Entry.

    But I think it would be better to place the No Entry just east of the little access road to avoid rat-running via Bartholomew Villas.

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  • Royal College Street Southern Extension (Pancras Road)

    Created by John Chamberlain // 3 threads

    Camden are consulting on their plans to extend the Royal College Street cycle tracks to the south, down Pancras Road towards Kings Cross. Unfortunately, the plans for the junctions at St Pancras and contra-flow up Midland Road are not ready yet, so it will remain difficult to get to and from the south and east until these are finalised, but this is another link in the planned North-South route through the borough as part of the London Cycle Grid.

    Details of the proposals can be found on Camden’s website at:

    For cyclists, the main proposals are as follows:
    - Protected cycle lanes from Royal College Street to just south of Chenies Place.
    - Removal of two bus-stops to make the cycle lanes continuous
    - North-bound bus-stop converted to 'island' style.
    - Southbound bus-stop uses Royal College Street style due to lack of road width.
    - Additional protection for cyclists crossing Crowndale Road from Royal College Street.

    You can reply to the consultation via Camden's website. Please also add your comments to the threads on this issue, or by email to john AT . We have already had suggestions for improvements to the lane behind the bus-stop at Chenies Place. We will be saying that cyclists heading north to Royal College Street should use Goldington Crescent to avoid one set of traffic lights and the need to cross lanes. What else?

    Our response needs to be in by 14th November so we'll take comments on board until the 7th.

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  • Royal College Street Northern Extension

    Created by John Chamberlain // 3 threads

    Camden are consulting residents, cyclists and others on their plans to extend the Royal College Street cycle facilities to the north, across Camden Road and up to Kentish Town Road. If it is approved, we think this will be a great improvement as it will provide protected two-way cycling all the way. Later there are plans to extend it south to Kings Cross.

    We hope you will respond to Camden in support as there may be objections from residents, especially as it results in some loss/relocation of parking.

    Details of the proposals can be found on Camden’s website at:

    For cyclists, the main proposals are as follows:
    - Two way cycling all the way up and down Royal College Street with no need to use St Pancras Way or Camden Street.
    - Protected northbound and southbound cycle lanes with no loading or parking within the cycle lanes.
    - A separate green phase for N-S and S-N bound cyclists at Camden Road.

    The difficult areas are the Camden Road crossing, which we think Camden have handled in an effective and innovative way, and the southbound split at College Gardens, where motor traffic has to bear left but cyclists go straight. This is not easy to handle without the danger of left hooks, but we think that the suggested solution, which involves road narrowing and a raised junction to slow motor vehicles, is the best option.

    Please feed your comments to us via the threads on this issue, or by email to

    Our response needs to be in by 3rd October so we'll take comments on board until the 28th.

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  • Cycling on Camden Road

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    TfL officers told us last November that they have a project to improving conditions for cyclists on Camden Road. This would include "investigating the feasibility of a northbound mandatory cycle lane; a wide bus and cycle lane southbound and the removal of two- lane flares at junctions". They assumed a 12m road width, suggesting 6m for a pair of general traffic lanes together with a 2m cycle lane and 4 m bus +cycle lane.

    They are now inviting CCC to a meeting to discuss cycling on the TLRN in Camden, and also take the opportunity to walk along Camden Rd to further discuss the corridor scheme they’re progressing. On further enquiry they said:
    "We would prefer to take the opportunity to engage with CCC as an independent stakeholder, separate from LB Camden, in order to fully understand the campaign’s ambitions for the TLRN."

    1. Let's clarify what we would want on Camden Road (without taking on TfL's assumption that there must be a bus lane. And being realistic as to what might fit in at a junction. The above photo shows a potential left hook situation.

    2. Can I have volunteers to join me on this walk/talk.


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