Prince of Wales Road Cycling and Walking Improvement Scheme Traffic Management O
This consultation gives some new details relating to the design of the westbound cycle track, the junctions and the crossings consulted on in August 2018.
limited to the area of Camden Cyclists:
117 issues found for 'camden':
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
This consultation gives some new details relating to the design of the westbound cycle track, the junctions and the crossings consulted on in August 2018.
Created by John Chamberlain // 1 thread
Phoenix Road plus Brill Place connects Eversholt Street with Midland Road and is in principle an excellent pedestrian and cycle link between Euston and Kings Cross/St Pancras stations. But it is not attractive, especially for pedestrians. Camden have money from HS2 to improve it and have come up with a set of ideas which are set out in two large and very thorough reports which are available here and here.
Motor traffic and cycle flows on the corridor are relatively low (see pages 26 and 27 of the Stage 1 report). They show a maximum of 144 motor vehicles per hour in the morning peak (sum of both directions, west of Chalton Street) and 175 in the evening peak, with cycle flows of 24 and 27 (very low). The measurements were done in 2017; motor traffic is likely to be higher now that motors have diverted up Ossulston Street, though Google sends motors via Polygon Road rather than Phoenix Road. For comparison, cycle flows on Ossulston Street were 232 and 230 (a.m. and p.m. peak hour).
So there are not many cyclists using the corridor. This may increase once the Midland Road tracks are open but Eversholt Street is not an attractive route unless you are going to Euston station and anyone making that journey is probably already using Ossulston Street so cycle numbers probably will not increase much.
6 options are proposed, ranging from a minimal treatment which would not affect the road layout (option 1A) to a complete closure (option 4). Option 4 is not supported by Camden so we’ll discount it.
Option 1A retains the current road layout with some greening and reduction of carriageway width to 4.8m. 1B converts it to one-way, alternating westbound and eastbound and should therefore reduce rat-running. Option 2 has closures to motor traffic (modal filters) between Ossulston and Chalton Streets and between Chalton and Werrington Streets. Option 3 adds another road closure between Eversholt and Werrington Streets and 3B is the same but with added measures on neighbouring streets to reduce or prevent traffic displacement. Option 4 is a full closure but is not supported by Camden. In all cases, cycling is permitted in both directions throughout and access is retained for emergency vehicles.
In the Stage 2 report they suggest how the actual street layouts might look. The main issues are whether the carriageway should be linear or ‘meandering’.
From a cycling point of view any reduction in motor traffic is a good thing. We normally would have concerns about the interaction with pedestrians in shared space. However, as cycle counts are low perhaps this is not a major issue here and the improved streetscape might outweigh any concerns. If one of the options 2 or 3 were chosen we should probably ask that the design makes it clear that cyclists are allowed and that also the meandering design might be better as it would signal to cyclists that low speeds are appropriate.
More information plus the online response form is at
Meanwhile please feed your comments to us via the threads on this issue, or by email to . Responses are due by 31st May so we’ll send in our formal response by the 28th.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
New End School is situated in Hampstead village to the north east of Hampstead tube station. It’s address is Streatley Place – a narrow pedestrian alleyway accessible by all vehicles from Heath Street via New End (Road) or from Back Lane on foot.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
St Cross Street
St Cross street runs from Farringdon Road, across Saffron Hill to Hatton Garden. It is currently one-way westbound between Saffron Hill to Hatton Garden.
The consultation proposes two-way cycling all the way through while reducing the short section between Saffron Hill and Farringdon Road to one-way eastbound for motor vehicles (with a cycle contraflow lane).
Saffron Street
Saffron Street connects Saffron Hill with Farringdon Road and currently the western end (as far as Onslow Street) is one-way eastbound.
The consultation proposes two-way cycling all the way through while Saffron St is closed to motor traffic between Saffron Hill and Onslow Street in order to safely facilitate two-way cycling, and to create an improved environment for pedestrians.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Camden’s Clean Air Action Plan has been produced as part of our duty to London Local Air Quality Management. It outlines the action we will take to improve air quality in Camden between 2019 and 2022.
Apologies for very late posting
Created by Simon Munk // 4 threads
At approximately 12km, this route would connect the town centres of Tottenham Hale, Seven Sisters and the Nag's Head, making it easier for people to make local journeys and use local services. The route would use both main roads and quieter back streets.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Camden is consulting on: The direction of motor traffic flow i.e. – should it remain as it is now (eastbound between Gower Street and Judd Street and westbound between Gower Street and Tottenham Court Road) – or change to westbound through the entire stretch between Judd Street and Tottenham Court Road They also ask support for further improvements (including stepped tracks and widened footways) subject to funding being available.
[Deadline extended by Camden Council to 6 January 2019.]
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Camden is consulting on proposals to improve the public realm and reduce bus journey times along Hampstead High Street and its junction with Heath Street.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Camden is consulting on changes that originate from a desire to remove through motor traffic from Anglers Lane.
This rat-running motor traffic comes from the west via Prince of Wales Road (PoW) and is headed north up Kentish Town Road (KTR). Camden says that this traffic should remain on Prince of Wales Road and use a newly instated left turn into Kentish Town Road.
Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread
Revised description following release of the Consultation (on 14 December 2018):
The proposals for this junction includes the following major changes:
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Camden is consulting on improving safety for pedestrians in the vicinity of Hampstead School in Westbere Road.
See StreetView from Lichfield Road (Barnet) towards Westbere Road Camden showing Hampstead School on the left and the 20 mph sign
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
In the consultation Camden states that they propose measures to improve the public realm and reduce bus journey times through the junction of Heath Street, East Heath Road and West Heath Road in Hampstead.
We note that buses 268 and 603 run along Heath Street through this junction.
They list the following problems:
- The staggered arrangement of East Heath Road and West Heath Road means that it is difficult to turn right or travel straight ahead when exiting West Heath Road
- pedestrians crossing the northern arm of the junction over Heath Street have to cross away from the their desire line
- southbound traffic on Heath Street is held while pedestrians cross East Heath Road
Created by John Chamberlain // 3 threads
Camden are consulting on a proposed planning framework for the northwest part of Kentish Town. This essentially covers the Murphy’s and Regis Road sites and is designed to set parameters for when/if the sites are redeveloped. The consultation is at and is open for individual responses until December 7th.
We will be putting in a response from Camden Cyclists so please use one of the threads to add your comments by the end of November. We are particularly focussed on cycle and pedestrian permeability.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 2 threads
Camden Transport Strategy, 2019-2041
Camden is consulting on a new draft Transport Strategy.
This includes Camden's Draft Cycling Action Plan
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Hawley Road (+ southern end of Castlehaven Road) runs one way eastbound and is on the north side of a small clockwise gyratory on Kentish Town Road, Hawley Crescent and Camden High Street. Hawley Road is just to the north of Regents’ Canal.
The Camden Lock area has recently been redeveloped to provide a new school for Hawley Primary as well as housing. During this development the southern footway and adjacent parking places were closed.
The scheme under consultation tidies up and widens the southern footway and permanently removes the former parking places.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 2 threads
Camden is consulting on proposed improvements on Prince of Wales Road. They note that the majority of the collisions in the last 36 months have taken place at the Prince of Wales Road/ Haverstock Hill junction and the Malden Road/ Prince of Wales junction and have involved vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists and powered two-wheelers).
Camden notes that TfL’s Strategic Cycling Analysis (SCA) identifies Prince of Wales Road as in the top 5-10% of roads in the London with the highest cycle flows. Also, the SCA identifies Prince of Wales Road as having high potential to contribute towards addressing London’s greatest cycling needs, through forming part of a wider cycling network.
The proposed measures include:
- improvements at the junctions with Malden Road and Haverstock Hill
- a westbound segregated cycle track
Camden states that there is not sufficient road width for a cycle track in both directions without removing a substantial amount of residents’ parking. They propose a design for a westbound cycle track with stepped tracks, floating bus stops and with parking bays outside the track.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Email consultation:
We are seeking your views on the Council’s proposal to introduce a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) on the southern end of Camley Street between the rail bridge and the junction with Goods Way. SuDS help to reduce flood risk, improve water quality and take pressure off the sewer network. In addition to managing surface water runoff, SuDS can contribute towards building the place function of streets, increasing biodiversity and better water and air quality.
We have been exploring options for incorporating SuDS on the public highway throughout the London Borough of Camden, and as part of this propose to establish this pilot project on Camley Street. If implemented, it is hoped this scheme will set a precedent for other interventions in the borough, and increase SuDS awareness and knowledge within Camden.
The Council’s flood risk modelling indicates that Camley Street is an area of elevated flood risk, particularly the southern end near the junction with Goods Way. In response to this, the Council is proposing to introduce SuDS rain gardens on Camley Street. Rain gardens are planted areas that allow rainwater to be collected, stored and filtered into the groundwater system. The proposed rain gardens on Camley Street will include the following features:
· a 2m wide linear bioretention raingarden along the western kerbline – a planted feature with freely infiltrating soils and storage layers beneath that will collect all the rainwater from the carriageway and western footway.
· the width of the carriageway will be reduced to 6m and the footway on the western side of the road reduced to a width of 2m, over a total gross length of approximately 180m. This is to allow for the 2m wide rain gardens. The road markings and formal parking provision (three disabled bays) on Camley Street will not change.
· existing vehicle access points on the western side of the footway will be retained, and pedestrian crossing points will be designed in at appropriate intervals.
· the SuDS system will be designed to deal with a 1 in 30 year flood event.
It is our view that introducing SuDS on Camley Street will improve the streetscape and experience of Camley Street in the following ways:
· reduced flood risk
· reduced reliance on the sewer network
· general visual enhancement
· increased separation of vehicles and pedestrians
· air quality improvements for pedestrians
· biodiversity enhancement
· additional planting and greater contact with nature
The scheme is being funded through Thames Water, as part of the London Strategic SuDS Pilot Study, and funding from Section 106 contributions.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
This consultation refers to the double junction of Goldhurst Terrace with Greencroft Gardens and Broadhurst Gardens.
This complex junction is composed of a collection of one-way motor traffic runs:
- westbound traffic runs from Finchley Road along Goldhurst Terrace
- some of which then turns right onto Broadhurst Gardens.
- the remainder continues in a SSW direction on Goldhurst Terrace towards South Hampstead
- Greencroft Gardens has one-way NE bound motor traffic up to the junction with Broadhurst Gardens.
and contraflow cycling accessed via the (lower) junction of Goldhurst Terrace.
The proposals are
- to introduce raised tables at four informal pedestrian crossings
- to widen footway at three of the crossings
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Princeton Street runs between Bedford Row and Red Lion Square. It crosses over Red Lion Street which is on the useful north-south cycle route from Kings Cross down to Holborn.
Princeton Street is one-way westbound for motor traffic between Red Lion Street and Red Lion Square. Cyclists are already allowed to cycle in both directions, entering Princeton Street from Red Lion Square via a ‘plug’ (a short section of cycle track) separated by an island so as to bypass the No Entry sign.
This proposal is to close to motor vehicles a short section of Princeton Street on approach to its junction with Red Lion Square.
This will be achieved by means of three bollards at the junction of Red Lion Square
Created by John Chamberlain // 1 thread
Camden is consulting on proposals to improve the junction of Royal College Street with Kentish Town Road, including new cycle movements to and from Castle Road and Rochester Road.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Camden is consulting on proposals aimed at improving conditions for walking and cycling in the Farringdon area. They say these are part of a larger vision for the area which is a strip between Gray’s Inn Road and Farringon/Kings Cross Road; bounded on the south side by Holborn and on the north side by Swinton Street.
Created by John Chamberlain // 1 thread
Camden is consulting on proposals to improve the junction of Kentish Town Road with Fortess Road and Highgate Road.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
The consultation refers to a long-term aim to remove the Holborn gyratory within which there is very little provision for cycling.
In the meantime it proposes some long-awaited safety measures at the Vernon Place junctions and some mainly pedestrian improvements at the Holborn tube station junction.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 2 threads
Camden Council is consulting on installing new bikehangars at a number of sites.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
This proposal is related to creating a Healthy School Street outside Gospel Oak Primary School. This will prohibit motor vehicles from entering the section of Savernake Road between Mansfield Road and Rona Road during school term time, Monday – Friday between 8:30-9:00am and 3:00-4:00pm.
136 threads found for 'camden':
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Camley Street - Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Consultation on Goldhurst Terrace Pedestrian Crossing Improvements
Paul Allen
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Consultation on Princeton Street Traffic Improvements
Dominic Fee
A discussion on issue
West End Project consultation
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Kentish Town Road/Royal College Street/Castle Road Junction
Stefano B
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Kentish Town Road/Fortess Road Junction
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Camden Bikehangar consultations - Jan - Feb 2018
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Holborn Junctions Road Safety and Public Realm Proposals
Paul Allen
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Farringdon area - proposed walking and cycling improvements
George Coulouris
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Camden Bikehangar consultations - Jan - Feb 2018
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Healthy School Streets: Savernake Road – Gospel Oak Primary School
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Camley Street - proposed pedestrian improvements
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Healthy School Streets: Acland Burghley School; Proposed Walking, Cycling and Ro
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Maygrove Road - Road Safety Measures
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Beckford School – consultation on road safety improvements, Dornfell Street
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Brecknock School – consultation on road safety improvements, Cliff Villas
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Fortune Green suggested improvements
Jean Dollimore
A discussion on issue
Play Street consultations
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Play Street consultations
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Play Street consultations
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Proposals for Red Lion Street and Lambs Conduit Stree
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Consultation on Cycling Improvements on Arlington Road
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Permanent Timed Road Close on Macklin Street (St Joseph’s Primary School)
John Ackers
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Two consultations essential for Delancey-Pratt
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Planning application Morrisons Superstore & Camden Goods Yard Chalk Farm
George Coulouris
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No planning applications found for 'camden'.