TfL Consultation: Proposed improvements at the Nag’s Head on A1 Holloway Road
A1 Holloway Road - Nag's Head
Transport for London (TfL) has developed proposals to improve road safety for pedestrians and cyclists on the A1 Holloway Road in the Nag’s Head area.
The main objective of the scheme is to put in place a pedestrian crossing on the A1 Holloway Road, enabling people to cross the road easily and safely and to improve access to businesses on the south-western side of the road.
In summary, the proposed measures include the following:
New signalised pedestrian crossing outside the Nag’s Head Shopping Centre
New cycle lanes in both directions
Advanced stop lines added to the junctions of Holloway Road and Tollington Road/Camden Road and Seven Sisters/Parkhurst Road
Resurfacing of the footway and carriageway
In order to make space for these improvements some other changes are required. These include
Relocation of the northbound bus stop (Stop L) approximately 50m north of its existing location
Changes to parking and loading provision, with and overall slight reduction in parking and loading availability
Loss of one small tree on the median island where the crossing will be located. There may also be the potential loss of one other small tree and two relatively mature trees due to kerb cutbacks required in order to relocate the bus stop.
Relocation of several items of street furniture including the removal of a redundant telephone box
The proposals are shown on the attached map. In addition to these proposals, an informal pedestrian crossing with a central refuge island is planned for the A1 Holloway Road adjacent to Jackson Road.
All of the measures that we propose are subject to change as a result of this consultation. Given no unforeseen issues, it is anticipated that the scheme will be implemented in Spring 2014.
Please gives us your views by completing our online consultation form below by Monday 6 January 2014.