Camden Council review of parking permits and parking charges
Camden Council is consulting on a review of its parking permits and parking charges
Motivation: diesel vehicle ownership and trips have not reduced sufficiently to address the AQ impact.
The proposed changes are from April 2021 unless stated otherwise.
Residents Parking permits
The diesel surcharge to be raised from 21.5% to 50% of the petrol vehicle permit price (surcharge ranging from £65 to £237 per annum).
The petrol vehicle permit price depends on CO2 emissions and ranges from £130-£274 p.a.
Electric vehicles get free permits.
Visitors permits
Not mentioned in the consultation document so presumably remain the same e.g. £1.12 per hour.
Car clubs
The current permit price is £289. This will change to a price based on CO2 emissions with a diesel surcharge.
The price for electric cars will be £86. The lowest CO2 emission polluter pays £289.
Doctors’ permits
The same charges as for a Car Club vehicle.
Paid for parking sessions
Currently, the borough is divided into four areas each with different tariffs. The areas with the two lowest tariffs will be merged.
CO2 emission based charging will be introduced and the diesel surcharge will be raised from 21.5% to 50%
Electric vehicles pay from £2.40 to £4.14 per hour in areas 1 to 3 while the charge for petrol cars range from £3.43 (lowest polluter in the cheapest area) to £5.15 (highest polluter in most expensive area).
Increased price for coaches £13.82 per hour.
Maximum stay of 1 hour where there is currently no maximum and in CPZs with only 2 hours of operation.
South of Euston Road maximum stay reduced from 2 to 1.5 hour. From April 2022.
Motorcycle parking
Discount electric m/c residents’ permit (to £22 p.a.) and increase the price of petrol ones (to £130 p.a.). They also have business permits and visitor permits.
Convert all dedicated solo m/c bays to shared use with one of the various permits. No more free parking for m/cs.
Paid for parking £3.42-£5.92 per hour for petrol and £1.72-£2.96 electric per hour.