Milkwood Road Speed Humps
Residents are being consulted on the installation of four speed humps, which will assist in lowering traffic speeds on the road. The consultation is open from 15 April 2019. Respond to our survey below.
As you are aware, Milkwood Road has high traffic speeds. Due to this Milkwood Road has been included in the Council’s Speed Reduction Programme.
The objective of the Speed Reduction Programme is to calm the speeds on streets, particularly where these have community buildings such as schools.
Proposed Scheme: to tackle speed
Speed cushions, like those on Milkwood Road, are less effective than road humps at keeping speeds low. Some vehicles can straddle them, meaning some drivers and motorcyclists travel significantly above the 20mph speed limit.
To remedy this, we propose to directly replace three sets of speed cushions and instead install three full-width, cycle-friendly, sinusoidal road humps as shown here and an additional speed hump will be included in a new location. To reinforce drivers’ awareness of the speed limit new 20mph hour banners will be installed in April. Additional 20mph signs and road markings will be installed in May/June.