Transforming Fiveways Croydon
TfL says:
Working in partnership with Croydon Council, we are proposing major changes to the road layout in Waddon, Croydon. Currently congestion is high, bus passengers frequently experience delays, and there is poor provision for cyclists and pedestrians. Our proposals would make Fiveways junction simpler and increase capacity to accommodate expected traffic growth arising from population and economic growth in the area.
The project would also improve conditions for walking and cycling, with better cycle links between central Croydon and Sutton, and simpler pedestrian journeys and new public spaces. The proposals aim to make the streets more accessible and people-friendly, supporting the development of Waddon as a local centre.
What are we proposing?
Following our 2015 consultation on initial proposals, we are now planning the following changes:
A23 Purley Way, Waddon Station Bridge / A232 Croydon Road
Replacing the A23 (Purley Way) bridge over the railway with a wider structure (and realigning it to the west) to ease traffic congestion and installing new semi-segregated cycle lanes. This would require acquisition of property to the west of the bridge
Fiveways Corner, Waddon
Simplifying Fiveways Corner by realigning Denning Avenue to reduce the number of junction arms from five to four. This would require acquisition of property at Fiveways Corner
Providing signalised pedestrian and cycle crossings and cycle advanced stop lines on all arms of the junction
Creating a new public space and installing new cycle parking
A232 Epsom Road
Improving pedestrian access to Waddon Station by widening footways and improving crossing facilities
Introducing segregated ‘stepped’ cycle lanes in both directions, removing all parking bays and converting Epsom Road to two-way traffic from the junction with the A23 to Duppas Hill Road
Permitting the left-turn from the A23 into Epsom Road
A232 Stafford Road
Introducing a new northbound bus lane on Stafford Road between Fiveways Corner and the junction with Epsom Road, and creating inset parking bays on Stafford Road to allow for safer cycling and bus lane widening
Banning the left turn from Stafford Road into Epsom Road
Why are we proposing this?
We want to make the Waddon area a safer, more accessible and pleasant place for all users. The current road layout was not designed to handle the current levels of traffic and, with further growth expected in the London Borough of Croydon and more widely, we need to make changes to ensure the road network supports this growth.
The proposals aim to:
Upgrade the public space and the pedestrian environment throughout the Fiveways area and support Croydon Council’s aspiration to develop Waddon as a local centre
Provide enhanced cycling facilities to link with existing and proposed cycle routes into and out of Central Croydon
Improve pedestrian, cyclist and bus-user access to Waddon station, and public transport
Increase traffic capacity along the A23 and A232 and reduce congestion, allowing for future growth
Improve journey times for all road users using the A23 and A232 in the Fiveways area
Following our earlier consultation in 2015, we are now inviting your views on our detailed design proposals.
Road layout changes
A23 Purley Way
As part of the scheme, we propose to realign and widen Waddon Station bridge. This proposal provides an opportunity to replace the bridge, which would otherwise require significant work to maintain by 2031. To enable these improvements it would be necessary to replace the existing bridge with a wider structure, which would be relocated west of the current alignment. This would mean that some property immediately to the west of the existing bridge would need to be acquired. Our proposals would:
Increase the number of traffic lanes from two to three in each direction
Introduce two-metre wide cycle lanes in both directions on the A23 bridge, with segregation at junctions for left turns, improving cycling connections
Create footways with a minimum of two metre width on each side of the carriageway
An artist’s impression of junction of A232 Croydon Road with A23 Purley Way
Epsom Road
Opening up Epsom Road to two way traffic. This would remove A232 traffic from the junction at Fiveways Corner. The carriageway would be widened to the north side only
Introducing new 1.5 metre wide ‘stepped’ cycle lanes in both directions on Epsom Road to provide a new east-west cycle link from Croydon Road to Duppas Hill Road
Removing the parking bays from Epsom Road to provide space for two-way traffic and new cycle lanes
Allowing southbound vehicles to turn left from the A23 (Purley Way) into Epsom Road and making access to the A232 more direct. This would reduce the amount of traffic using Stafford Road and reduces congestion at the Fiveways Corner junction
Epsom Road / Stafford Road junction
Banning the left turn from Stafford Road into Epsom Road, providing a simpler junction with realigned pedestrian crossing facilities on the key desire line. This would bring the crossing closer to the station and make it easier for pedestrians to access Waddon Station
Improving journey times by allowing for more time for the green signal phase
Stafford Road
Introducing a new northbound bus lane on Stafford Road, operating from Monday to Saturday between 07.00 and 10.00, and 16.00 and 19.00. Cyclists, motorcyclists, and taxis would be able to use the bus lane
Relocating southbound bus stop ‘WB’, served by routes 154 and 157, approximately 60 metres north on Stafford Road, to a new position opposite Fernleigh Close
Changing 58 metres of parking bay on the northbound side and 76 metres on the southbound side of Stafford Road to be inset into the footway. This would allow cycles to pass parked cars whilst staying within the bus lanes. Six metres of parking bay on the southbound side would be removed
Fiveways Corner
To improve the junction for all users, we propose to:
Realign Denning Avenue to remove it from the Fiveways Corner junction, re-routeing it to join the A23 opposite the retail park (entrance to Morrisons). This would reduce the number of arms on the junction from five to four, introducing a crossroads arrangement which would simplify the junction and improve road capacity. This would decrease the number of signal phases required at the junction reducing waiting times for traffic on all approaches to the junction
Create a new, attractive public space for people to sit and rest at, supporting Croydon Council’s aspirations for Waddon to have a local centre at Fiveways
Upgrade all pedestrian crossing facilities to provide signalised controlled facilities at all arms around the junction. Crossings facilitating north-south cycle movements along the A23 would be upgraded to ‘toucan’ cycle friendly crossings.
Provide new cycle facilities, including cycle parking, and Advanced Stop Lines.
Introduce a left turn lane on Stafford Road (southern arm) for northbound traffic for the A23 to improve capacity at the junction
Allow the right turn for southbound traffic on Stafford Road (northern arm) into the northbound A23 Purley Way
New and upgraded cycle facilities
The scheme would provide for new and enhanced cycle facilities which link in with the existing local cycle network as well as creating a new east-west cycling route through the Fiveways Croydon area. The proposals would provide a safer environment for cycling by introducing the following changes:
New 1.5 metre wide cycle lanes in both directions on Epsom Road, to provide a new east-west cycle link from Croydon Road to Duppas Hill Road. The cycle lanes would be ‘stepped’, meaning they would be at a height of approximately 75mm above the road level, and 75mm below the footway
New 2 metre wide cycle lanes in both directions on the A23 Purley Way bridge, with segregation at junctions for left turns. This would improve the connection for cyclists and remove the barrier to east-west cycle movement currently formed by the A23
Separate phases for northbound cyclists and left-turning traffic at the junction of A23 Purley Way with Croydon Road
New eastbound cycle lane on Croydon Road on the approach to the A23
New advanced stop lines at the junction of Stafford Road with Epsom Road and on Stafford Road at Fiveways Corner
Partially inset parking bays on both sides of Stafford Road, to allow cycles to pass parked cars whilst staying within the bus lane. Stafford Road would form part of the new cycle link from Sutton to Croydon town centre
Shared pedestrian / cyclist signalised ‘toucan’ crossings at each of the signal-controlled junctions
New cycle parking facilities
Pedestrian and public space improvements
The proposed public space and pedestrian improvements include:
Creating new public spaces at Fiveways Corner and on the A23 (Purley Way) Waddon Bridge
Creating attractive places for pedestrians to sit and rest
Tree-planting and introducing new green spaces
Relocating the pedestrian crossing on Epsom Road from its junction with Duppas Hill Road to opposite the Waddon Hotel, to provide more direct access to Waddon Station
Introducing signalised pedestrian crossing facilities on A23 Purley Way junctions with A232 Croydon Road, and Epsom Road
Signalised crossings on all arms of Fiveways Corner and more direct crossings
We are also looking at opportunities to make the following changes to the public spaces in the area:
Localised improvements to the general appearance of Stafford Road and Epsom Road
Improving lighting, decluttering, and repaving where required
Changes to parking and loading
To deliver the proposed changes to the road layout, we would need to make the following changes to parking and loading:
Removing the parking bays from Epsom Road to accommodate two-way traffic and new cycle lanes
Removing six metres of parking bay on the southbound side of Stafford Road and changing the remaining parking bays on both sides to be inset into the pavement
Changes to bus services
We are proposing to change the location of two existing stops in Fiveways Croydon:
Bus stop ‘WB’, served by routes 154 and 157, would be moved approximately 60 metres north on Stafford Road, to a new position opposite Fernleigh Close.
Bus stop ‘WD’, served by routes 119 and 663 would be moved to match the new alignment of Denning Avenue
Potential impacts of the scheme
We cannot deliver all the benefits of the scheme by undertaking work only within the existing highway boundary. Some private property would therefore need to be acquired to undertake the scheme.
We are talking to the owners of properties affected by the proposals and we will keep them informed of the progress of the scheme. If you are concerned about the potential impacts of the scheme on your property, please contact us.
What changes would there be to traffic flow?
Our proposals would result in changes to journey times for road users. Most journey times for motorists and bus passengers are predicted to get shorter or remain similar to that experienced today, whilst a minority are predicted to get longer at busy times.
What environmental changes would there be?
The proposals would result in some environmental changes in the Fiveways area:
Air Quality
We expect that the proposed changes would improve air quality in the Waddon area, by reducing traffic congestion, though there are some isolated instances where traffic flows are forecast to increase. To mitigate this impact, we would plant trees and plants where possible.
We expect the proposals would have an overall slight negative impact on noise pollution, as a few more sites around Fiveways would be expected to experience an increase, rather than a decrease, in noise levels.
The existing noise level experienced by the majority of properties in the area where the A23 and A232 meet is between 60 and 75 decibels – a similar noise level to two people having a conversation, a shower running or vacuum cleaner being operated.
Of the few people living or working close to the A23 / A232 intersection who are predicted to experience an increase in noise levels, the majority are expected to experience between three to five decibel increases in noise.
A small number of properties will experience an increase above five decibels. We are in discussions with the owners of these properties to agree suitable mitigation measures.
Community and built environment
Our design team is working to produce a bridge design proposal which blends in and is as aesthetically pleasing as possible. We also propose planting trees alongside the bridge embankments. We are in discussion with residents and property owners to discuss the proposed changes to the bridge alignment and the road layout.
We will request an ‘Environmental Screening Opinion’ from Croydon Council’s Planning department in July 2017. The Council is expected to advise whether a full Environmental Impact Assessment and Statement are required with the outcome expected to be known by later this summer. The full Environmental Evaluation Report and supporting evidence will be made available here once it is published. If you do not wish to submit feedback before viewing these documents, please wait until this is available before responding.
Tree planting and tree removal
The proposed design requires the removal of approximately 50 trees and includes the planting of over 80 new street trees.
New rows of trees would also be planted on the proposed embankments along the A23 Purley Way over the railway line west of Waddon Station, and the row of six mature lime trees to the east of this section of the road would be retained.
Next steps
We will analyse and consider all responses to consultation to help inform our decision on how best to proceed with the proposals. We will also consider other factors, such as the availability of funding and deliverability. We expect to publish the results of the consultation and our planned next steps in late 2017.
Should we decide to go ahead with the proposals, we would aim to start construction around summer 2020, with the new highway arrangement operational in autumn 2022.